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We are pleased the announce that we have added a new feature onto our website and mobile device app called Hey311.

This new feature allows for residents to submit problems and issues directly to the people who can help resolve them.

Heres a quick step by step process on how you can use the new feature. We are also in the makings of a video tutorial to further help in submitting issues and requests. This will be posted on the website as well as soon as it is completed.

Submitting an Issue Online

  1. Click on “Pay Online or Submit a Request”
  2. Click on “Report an Issue”
  3. Add a photo of the issue if you have one
  4. Describe the issue you have or the request
  5. Enter the Location of this issue/request
  6. Click on “Submit Request”
  7. Enter your name and email address if you wish to be notified and updated about the request.
    1. If you do not wish to be updated or release your information you can submit the request by clicking on “Remain anonymous”
  8. Click on “Continue” 
  9. You have submitted your request and it has been sent to the Village Employee.

Submitting an Issue through the App

  1. Go to the Hey Gov App on your mobile device
  2. Click on “Village of Tiskilwa” from the menu of municipalities.
  3. Click on the “Issues” section at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on “Send Request” on the top right corner of the page.
  5. Add a photo of the issue if you have one (This is preferable for help diagnosing and resolving the issue)
  6. Describe the issue you have or the request
  7. Click on “Report Issue” this will take you to the next page.
  8. Enter the Category for the issues that fits it best.
  9. Enter the Location of this issue/request
  10. Click on “Continue”
  11. Enter your name and email address if you wish to be notified and updated about the request.
    1. If you do not wish to be updated or release your information you can submit the request by clicking on “Remain anonymous”
  12. Click on “Continue” 
  13. You have submitted your request and it has been sent to the Village Employees.

You can download the HeyGov app for:

Please note that the website still has the comments and suggestions link that can be used if residents wish to submit their opinions on various matters and ensure they go directly to the Village employees. All comments, suggestions, and issues are discussed monthly and efforts are made to try and resolve all issues in a timely manner if possible.