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Village Burning



The following activities are allowed unless they are not permitted under the Illinois Environmental Protection Act: 

(1) The open burning of landscape waste and leaves, but only: 

(a) when fire is attended, NO fire shall be left unattended; 

(b) on the premises on which such waste is generated;

(c) in areas other than restricted areas; 

(d) when atmospheric conditions will readily dissipate contaminants; and 

(e) if such burning does not create a visibility hazard on roadways, railroad tracks or air fields; 

(f) Burning is hereby permitted from April 1 through May 1 and October 1 through November 30 of each year on the designated days of Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 


(2)The setting of fires to combat or limit existing fires, when reasonably necessary in the judgment of responsible government officials. 


(3) The burning of fuels for legitimate campfire, recreational and cooking purposes, or in domestic fireplaces, in areas where such burning is consistent with other laws, provided that no garbage shall be burned in such cases. 


(4) Small open flames for heating tar, welding, acetylene torches, highway safety flares and the like.


Any resident or person in violation of this ordinance shall be fined Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) for the first offense. Any subsequent violation(s) of this ordinance within one (1) calendar year of the date of the first violation will carry an additional Twenty-five Dollar ($25.00) fine, i.e., second violation, $50.00; third violation, $75.00, etc.


For complete ordinances, descriptions, and clarification please refer to the Village Website for the Village Ordinances.