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Village of Tiskilwa Bridge Funding



The Village has been awarded funding for the replacement of four bridges. The Village Engineer is already working on the next steps forward in the process.

Some things to keep in mind. The Village has been awarded the funds; this does not mean that we have the funding currently. There will be discussions and planning on which bridges to address first as well as the engineering, designing and organization of the projects, which will take some time.


This is great news for the Village as we can address a couple of the major concerns that the Village in the near future.


NCICG would like to congratulate the following 4communities in obtaining $3,051,849 in Rebuild Illinois Public Infrastructure program projects.  
These funds are coming to communities through the state’s capital investments and the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO). 
  • The City of Lacon is receiving $1,095,705 for Main Street improvements. 
  • The City of Spring Valley is receiving $343,292 for West Interceptor Sewer improvements.
  • The Village of Tiskilwa is receiving $1,112,852 for the replacement of four (4) bridges within the city limits. 
  • The City of Toluca is receiving  $500,000 for repairs to their existing water tower. 
NCICG also congratulates LaSalle County (Peru Township) and Morris on their Rebuild Illinois Public Infrastructure Grant awards.
North Central Illinois Council of Governments
613 W Marquette Street
Ottawa, IL 61350