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Village of Tiskilwa Update

Since the last Village update that was posted in March, it is a good time to give an update on things happening, plans around the Village as well as some reminders moving forward to further improve the commuication.


We have seen a few issues come about that will need to be addressed in the upcoming months. There have been frequent issues with the lift stations and pumps, both are being looked into with the possibiltiy of fixing or replacement of them. The sewer station has had air lines break due to concrete shifting. This has caused major air filtration issues to the ponds as well as causing the pumps to overheat from being continuously run to try to provide adequate air. The Village Engineer is currently looking into a solution and for a replacement plan as the Village was aware of these possible issues from an Energy Assessment we had completed months prior.


We have received material to patch the holes in the roadways. Be cautious while driving as our workers may have to close or block off sections of roadways for short times to address the issues. We are also in the stages of posting out for bids the replacement of a few of the roads around the Village that are in disrepair and hope to receive bids within the next months to proceed forward. At this time the streets that are planned to be addressed are; Old Mill road from State St to Mound, Church St from State St west to the end, Parking in front of the Post Office, South parking lane on Public St from Galena St to Arch S, Public St from Arch to west end and lastly West Main St from Washington to bridge on Arch st. Of course time and money will be a factor in this decision. The board will discuss which streets to prioritize once all the bids have been received. Street signs are also on order and should arrive in the coming months. There were a total of 31 street signs missing that will be replaced.


The dams are currently having the annual assessments. The Village received high praise on the drastic change in upkeep from years past on the first inspections. The next stage is to identify potential issues with each and then plan on remedies for them.


The Village has been awarded funding for the replacement of 4 bridges (Walnut, State, West Main, and High) the Village engineer deemed these the ones that were in the highest need for repair. While these bridges are addressed the Village will also be looking into the replacement of sidewalks and safety railings. The Village is also in the process for grant allocations for the replacement of sidewalks and railings that are in disrepair in other areas as well.


We have purchased two radar speed signs that will be placed at the North and South entrances of town to start with. They will be moved around town to collect data to find the best spots for them. New garbage cans are currently on the way that will replace all of the old ones. The new dog park, which was named Numosh Park, is planned to be opened late July early August. The TCA is in the process of the addition of a new pavilion located at the West park. The Village office is being looked into for the addition of a proper bathroom and offices as well as at the workshop.


The board has continued to look into the possibility of ATV/UTV/Golf Cart in the Village. Further repairs and clean up of alleyways are needed in order to move forward with the process. ATV/UTV and golf carts are currently NOT allowed to be driven in the Village and Tickets will be given out for those not following the law.


The board has also had discussions on the revitalization of Main Street and has decided that further planning and development needs to be done before moving forward. There needs to be more clear and defined discussion on ideas for this plan. We also hope to complete some other projects and issues before moving forward with this.


With the Summer months coming in full swing it is good to remind everyone of a few things. According to Illinois law, it is illegal to deposit grass clippings onto any public roadway

as it may cause injury to motorists or become a traffic hazard. Please do your part to eliminate this potentially dangerous situation for motorcyclists. This not only is a safety issue for motorists but these landscape debris can also be washed into the storm drains and sewers and causes major issues in our systems.


All residents are required to have all animals registered with the Village. This registration can be found on the Village website, if an animal is not registered with the Village a fine can occur. No owner or keeper of any dog or cat shall permit such dog or cat to run at large. We fully understand that an animal may run free from time to time. However, If anyone sees any animal running at large they have every right to call Bureau County Animal Control and are encouraged to do so. Animal Control should be doing their jobs but only can when they are notified of situations. Ordinance Violation warnings  will also be sent out to the animal’s owner and any proceeding occurrences will incur fines.


 Anyone wanting to plan an event to use a pavilion at a park can call the Village office to do so. Keep in mind that the parks are public and everyone is allowed to use them, no one can kick anyone out who is safely and correctly enjoying them. If you do hold an event you must clean up after yourself and be aware that alcohol is not allowed at any time. Also, no vehicles should be driven up to any pavilion at any time even if thats to unload the vehicle. This causes marks in the grass and ruins the park.


Lastly,  Burning is permitted from April 1 through May 1 and October 1 through November 30 of each year on the designated days of Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. You can find further clarification on burning and campfires in the Village ordinances on the Village website.