Village Water Meter Change out Program

Water Meter Change Out Program

  • Location: Village Wide
  • Start Date: September 2024
  • Completion Date: 2028 (estimated)

The Village of Tiskilwa will be replacing 360 water meters within the Village as part of its multi-year Water Meter Change Out Program that is planned to start towards the end of 2024 and last until the end of 2028 without any issues arising.
The current water meters have been in service for 20 to 30+ years and have exceeded the end of their useful lives. As water meters age, they often lose accuracy, resulting in incorrect billing, non-revenue water loss and eventually water rate increases. The new meters, which have an expected 15+ years of life, will ensure accurate readings and billing.

How They Work:

The New water meters will look similar to the old meters. With the new meters they will operate using cellular endpoints that will be placed inside the residents home close to the new water meter during the install, they will not be placed outside the residents home and will not require any drilling or work needed to be done to the residents home. These new meters will all be connected to our Village office and will transport up to date information directly to the office on an hourly basis and can be identified up to every 15 minutes. 

These new meters will allow for the most accurate water readings as well as damage and anti tampering to the water meters itself. 

These new meters come with brand new technology and analysis to the Village office for the most up to date water readings possible. The residents will also have the opportunity to monitor their own home use and have all up to date information at their fingertips as well. The new system will allow residents to use smartphones to download the free “EyeonWater” app that will give them access to their homes’ water use. This app will give up to date hourly/daily/monthly/yearly usage for homes as well as notify residents of a running water or possible leak detection within their home. The Village will also be notified of any possible leak in any residents home and will connect the individuals as well.

This program is expected to take approximately 4-5 years to complete. When your water meter is set to be replaced, you will receive a letter from the village office requesting a meter change out appointment.

What to Expect

During this appointment, A Village laborer will visit your home to replace the water mater, all free of charge. Each appointment will take approximately 45 minutes to complete, during which the water will be shut off to the home for about 15 minutes. Appointments may be scheduled between the hours of 7:00am and 2:00 pm, Monday through Friday.


The Village of Tiskilwa appreciates your understanding and help in making this process a success. For any questions please contact the Village Office at 815-646-4400 or send an email through the village website in the comments and suggestions option.


What might prevent the installation from occurring?

     – the worker may find that some plumbing repairs will be required prior to the meter installation. The customer is responsible for the water service on their property. If defective plumbing or deteriorated pipes prevent the meter replacement, the customer will be required to hire a licensed plumber to make the necessary repairs.

What is the cost to have my water meter replaced?

     – The water meters are being replaced at no cost to the resident

Do I need to be at home for the meter replacement?

     – Yes. Water meters are located inside, typically in a basement, crawl space or utility area. Someone 18 years or older must be home during the appointment. Please make sure the area around the meter is clear so the installers have room to work. Your existing water meter must be accessible.

How do I schedule an appointment?

     – Once you receive a letter, please contact the Village office by calling 815-646-4400. In the event your call is not answered, please leave a message with your name, address, telephone number, and a time that is best to return your call. If you believe your meter is broken or not working currently please contact the Village and we will try to ensure we replace your meter as quickly as possible or place it at the top priorities for replacement.